PDCurses 2.0 (Public Domain Curses for DOS and OS/2) PDCurses is a public domain C library that is compatible with Unix System V 3.2 curses written for most of the popular DOS and OS/2 C compilers. PDCurses v2.0 is an almost total rewrite of PCCurses 1.4 done by John 'Frotz' Fa'atuai, the previous maintainer. This version has been tested with Microsoft C v6.0, QuickC v2.0 and Borland C++ 2.0 under DOS and Microsoft C v6.0 and TopSpeed c v3.02 under OS/2 2.0. Also the library has been compiled successfully with emx 0.8e, C Set/2 and Watcom 9. If you wish to be kept up-to-date with changes to PDCurses, contact Robert Wolf at rwolf@dretor.dciem.dnd.ca and ask to be placed on the PDCurses mailing list.